Logging time in an aircraft if you aren’t typed in it
Asked by: flash 2617 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
My son is a USAF F-16 pilot, about to apply for the airline. He is ATP-rated for MEL, commercial for SEL. Over the next few months, he will be flying in the right seat of a CJ3 (Cessna 525B) while I fly it to/from locations in the U.S. (I'm single-pilot rated).
The idea is for him to gain airline/CMR experience in the flight levels, to further expand his resume.
He is not typed in the CJ series, so cannot log PIC or SIC time. Is there a way he can legally log this flying experience in his logbook, or otherwise document it for the purposes of applying to an airline?
I am current as an MEI. Can I log dual given, and can he log dual received on these flights?
Thank you in advance.
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