Do altitudes depicted in STARs mean MEA or expected altitudes that may be assigned?
Asked by: coco 3942 views Instrument Rating
Regarding the subject above, the FAA TPP legend for STAR and DP charts says that the altitude depiction without any marks mean MEA. In this case, the route in the STAR charts is deemed to be part of enroute, considering the name of minimum ENROUTE altitude? Meanwhile, JEPPESEN textbook, page 6-14 says, “Establisha descent that puts you at 7,000 feet as you cross the Pulaski VOR.” In this case, does this mean the preferred altitude, not an MEA?
Also there may be the description of “vertical navigation planning information” for turbine-powered airplanes in certain STAR charts. Does this mean the altitude normally depicted in STAR charts mean the one for non-turbine-powered airplanes which I will fly in IR training?
Furthermore, I would like to know whether the altitude depicted between fixes/navaids must have been established when we cross the beginning fix/navaid or the ending one.
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