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4 Answers

Student pilot and ATP Passenger

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Student Pilot

I have a good friend who is a 737 Captain with a major airline. He began his flying 37 years ago and got hired commercial before obtaining CFI. So he didn't (nor did he need to) complete it. I am embarking on my private pilot in the Spring and he has offered himself as a mentor to augment instruction from my paid CFI. I know a student pilot cannot carry any passengers other than a CFI. However, is there an exemption for an ATP who is also current in the student's airframe to ride right seat once the student receives a solo endorsement? Not as an instructor per say. But just as a little extra perspective and guidance. While this wouldn't technically be solo and likely not loggable time, we were wondering if this scenario was legally possible.


Thank you,


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4 Answers

  1. KDS on Dec 12, 2018

    At the level you are talking about, the answer is basically no. You could fly with him in either seat in which there are a set of controls, but he would be the PIC and you would be a passenger would could not log the flight time.

    Personally, I believe that unless you have unlimited funds, your money would be better spent with a CFI or solo.

    However, should you decide to fly with him in a single-engine land airplane, ask him him how long it has been since he made three takeoffs and landings in a single-engine land airplane. If the answer is more than 90 days, don’t get in the plane with him. He would be operating contrary to the regulations and if that came to light, it could be very expensive for him.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Dec 13, 2018

    You are correct that it would not be loggable by you for anything, but it is legally possible.

    There is no exemption for ATPs but, whether ATP or just a private pilot, here’s the key. You would not be a student pilot flying with a passenger. It would be your ATP friend in command and allowing a passenger – you – to fly the airplane. That he is in the right seat and you are in the left doesn’t matter from an FAA standpoint.

    What does matter is, if you are renting, whether it is OK with the FBO.

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  3. LTCTerry on Dec 13, 2018

    “I know a student pilot cannot carry any passengers other than a CFI.”

    Neither the student nor the CFI will be a passenger with respect to the other.

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  4. USMCGunner on Dec 20, 2018

    Thanks guys. I figured it would be something simple.

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