Portland One Departure, Assigned Heading
Asked by: AviatorTrevor88 2759 views Instrument Rating
I was watching a youtube video of a Piper Malibu departing KPDX. They were assigned the Portland One departure out of 28R. The departure procedure says climb heading 283 to 800, thence an assigned heading expect RADAR vectors to assigned route/fix.
The pilot's takeoff clearance was "[callsign], runway 28R, turn left heading 240, cleared for takeoff."
Usually an assigned heading would mean the departure procedure is cancelled (temporarily, or permanently). But I'm confused in this instance, because the SID calls for flying heading 283 to 800'MSL, and then an assigned ATC heading. So, I'm not sure if this assigned heading by ATC at takeoff applies to after I reach 800' MSL, or if it applies to after I reach the usual IFR 400' AGL... Or if I should make the turn as soon as I'm stabilized in the climb and visually can confirm I'm not going to hit anything by turning in that direction?
The pilot in the video took off and at about 400' AGL (which is close to 400' MSL at KPDX) turned to heading 240.
What's correct?
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