What is the source for the “rule” forbidding configuration changes below 200ft AGL?
Asked by: Josephyr 1876 views FAA Regulations
I keep hearing from countless instructors, and even some DPE's, that in single engine aircraft, no configuration changes are allowed below 200AGL (i.e. flaps).
Some have also stated that this is when a single engine is supposed to be stabilized, despite the 500/1000AGL rule for VMC/IMC approaches respectively (https://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/2016/media/SE_Topic_16-11.pdf) .
What's confusing is this is used from instrument approaches to power-off 180's, yet I've heard people use the last notch of flaps to "bump" them to their point.
Does anyone have a source on this 200' rule? Any help is appreciated!
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