Pilot seeking drone certificate
Asked by: Wheels Wings n Strings 2097 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
Hello everyone,
I became a licensed pilot in November of 2016. Shortly afterwards, (Jan, 2017) I went to the FAAST site and took some courses along with completing the part 107 drone knowledge course. I received a document stating that I successfully completed the course, but never applied for the certificate itself.
Im hoping the course Completion document is still valid.
My first BFR is coming up in November and would like to get the drone application done before we do the review, so it can be added to my pilot certification. Then I can operate a drone commercially if I so choose.
What are my next steps as far as the IACRA application etc? Do I just get ahold of my instructor and work with him on the application? Will I get another updated pilot certificate, or is the drone certificate separate?
Thanks, Brett
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