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Three questions on this approach plate for KCRQ ILS or LOC RWY 24:

#1) Why isn't it called the "ILS or LOC/DME RWY 24"? Isn't DME required for the final approach segment? You can only identify the FAF with DME or DME-substitute (GPS/RNAV).

#2) The notes section says "DME Required". I can see why it would be required for the LOC approach to identify the FAF and MAP and step down fixes, but it doesn't appear as if it would be required for the ILS approach except for the step down at WUNUB. But if you got vectors to final, you wouldn't need DME to shoot the ILS, correct?

#3) Why are there no instructions or depictions about how to hold at OCN in the missed approach?

1 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Aug 07, 2018

    1) You can report this to https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/chart_discrepancies/ Many changes have been made over the years to naming procedures and they don’t always get updated.
    2) The step down fix is still identified by DME and the standard vector to final will place the aircraft outside WUNUB at an altitude of 2600 feet. The GS is not applicable outside of WUNUB as the step down still must be complied with.
    3) Although it is not depicted, it is described in the text. Holds by default are to the right and the radial on which the hold is in the text.

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