IFR and commercial SIM time
Asked by: farsightusf2017 2071 views Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating
Long time listener first time caller,
I know that you can log 20 hours in a AATD for the instrument and then 50 towards the commercial aero experience but my question is does the 20 count towards the 50?
(i)Permitted credit for use of a flight simulator or flight training device.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (i)(2) of this section, an applicant who has not accomplished the training required by this section in a course conducted by a training center certificated under part 142 of this chapter may:
(i) Credit a maximum of 50 hours toward the total aeronautical experience requirements for an airplane or powered-lift rating, provided the aeronautical experience was obtained from an authorized instructor in a flight simulator or flight training device that represents that class of airplane or powered-lift category and type, if applicable, appropriate to the rating sought; and
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