CFI Endorsements Questions
Asked by: priceisright 4243 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Just a few questions I am wondering. I am preparing for my CFI checkride and there are a few things I don't understand on the endorsements for the CFI checkride. Why in 61-65G do they have sample endorsements for the CFI and FOI written tests when an endorsement is not required to take those written tests?
Also, the reg states you have to receive and log ground training in prep for the practical test wouldn't a home study course (I used King) take care of that requirement like it does on the other certificates and ratings? They did not provide an endorsement like they usually do. When I asked King they told that they don't because an endorsement is not required to take the writtens...
I find the flight instructor endorsements overly complicated and contradictory just wondering if anyone has a definitive answer.
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