Continuing on an airway outside of VOR range
Asked by: racerdude777 2927 views Instrument Rating
Say you are flying this (admittedly circuitous) route to get from Santa Barbara to the San Diego area (LINK). Also assume ATC accepted this route and didn't assign a TEC route. When arriving at TANNR (southeast of PDZ on V186), you are navigating on the PDZ 130 radial until the OCN 027 radial centers and positively identifies you at that fix. At this point, you are to turn to a heading of 156 and switch nav frequencies to tracking that same radial inbound to the PGY VOR.
My question stems from the fact that PGY is a (L) VOR and therefore the service volume doesn't reach all the way to TANNR, which is 53 nm away. So for ~13 miles, is the proper procedure to just fly the 156 heading until you start to get reliable nav signal?
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