Is it a legal flight lesson or an illegal charter flight?
Asked by: RyanPT22 2901 views FAA Regulations
A student that is training for his Priavte Pilot ASEL wants his CFI to perform a flight lesson that entails a departure from home base and a stop at a destination that allows the Student to attend a doctors appointment there. At the conlusion of his doctors appointment he wants to do another flight lesson back to home base. The doctor appointment is to aquire an opinion that will clarify his probability in receiving a 3rd class medical. Can this flight be legally performed as flight training or will the FAA consider this a charter flight no matter what? The student rents the FBO airplane dry, the CFI that is provided to the student is on payroll at the FBO, and the student pays for fuel at a gal/hr consumption rate separately. If fuel is needed while off homebase the student pays for it.
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