ASEL CFI Add-On from Helicopter CFI
Asked by: jwalker14 4268 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I am in the process of adding CFI--ASEL to my helicopter flight instructor certificate. I currently have:
CFI/CFII--Rotorcraft Helicopter; Commercial--ASEL, AMEL, Heli; Instrument--Airplane, Heli
The complex airplane that I was going to be using has been down for mtx for several weeks and doesn't look like it will be available soon enough for me to use. Some other CFI's and I came across this in the CFI-Airplane PTS in relation to whether or not I need to use a complex airplane for my CFI checkride:
"When adding an airplane category rating to an existing flight instructor certificate, a complex aircraft is not required if the applicant already holds an airplane category, with either a single-engine or a multiengine class rating"
At first I thought it meant just if you were going from CFI--ASEL or AMEL to the other, but if that were the case it should read "When adding an airplane class rating to an existing..." instead of category. From our interpretation, it seems like I should be able to do my CFI checkride in a non-complex airplane.
Have you ever run into a situation like this? Does it sound like I am alright to do the checkride in a non-complex airplane?
Thank you!
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