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5 Answers

IPC using a FlyThisSim

Asked by: 3368 views , ,
FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot



I did a IPC checkride using the FlythisSim touch trainer only!, I start to beleive instructor did mistake and IPC isnot valid

" LOA  for the Sim doesnt specify any for 61.57(d) and thats worry me now "


would like hear some opinions, if i am wrong please.





5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 22, 2018

    You are correct in that a BATD cannot be used for the IPC.

    1. The authorization letter you referenced does not mention 61.57(d) as you stated.
    2. Page A-11 of the Instrument ACS (which outlines the required tasks for an IPC) states at the bottom of the page “A BATD cannot be used for any part of the IPC.”

    Your IPC is not valid. You might want to consider finding an instructor more attuned to FAA regulations and procedures.

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  2. John peterson on Mar 22, 2018

    thank you very much Kris for your kindly responce, much appriciated,

    will try fix and be llegal as per 61.57.d ASAP ( the only good on that is that didnt log any actual IR time after that “IPC” )

    If i do my IPC on a CR12 sim,which I found according LOA is approved for 61.57 (d), 1(ii)


    i am clear to go? or myIPC will need a portion be done with real airplane?


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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 22, 2018

    Again, refer to page A-11 of the Instrument ACS. It outlines which tasks must be done for the IPC and it states that the circling approach and landing tasks may not be done in an AATD. The CR12 is an AATD.

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  4. John peterson on Mar 22, 2018

    sorry for asking again this Kris,

    if instructor does not ask circling approach, IPC is valid and I am current again?

    (trying to figure out how current i am after IPC sim session finished.)

    thank you in advance

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 23, 2018

    You need to download the Instrument ACS from the FAA website. http://www.faa.gov

    As I said earlier, Page A-11 outlines the requirements for an IPC. The table on that page requires that all tasks in Area of Operation VI be performed. Two of the tasks in that area are the circling approach and landing from an instrument approach.

    The instructor has no discretion in this matter. All tasks outlined in the table on page A-11 must be accomplished.

    In other words, you may not perform any of the tasks in the BATD. You may perform most of the tasks in an AATD, however, the circling approach and landing from an approach must be performed in an airplane or flight simulator. Of the two, the airplane will be much cheaper for you to rent.

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