IFR Lost comms approach altitude
Asked by: Brett 2841 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I know this topic has been utterly beaten to death and the AIM even states its impossible to cover all lost comms scenarios, but something like this example has me puzzled on how to proceed with the altitude. On an approach to KVGT either GPS approach, but specifically GPS 12R (or any mountainous airport with high IFR altitudes). Flying any piston aircraft we can't reach the MSA of 13,000 ft. and the OROCA is 14,300 ft, as we don't have oxygen. Leaving the clearance limit and proceeding to the airport prior to returning to the IAF to begin the approach as in 91.185C3ii, what altitude would one fly? The last assigned or expected and hope it provides obstacle clearance? Or proceed on the MEA of the last airway we were on?
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