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3 Answers

Winds aloft

Asked by: 7954 views ,

Hello, I’ve been having trouble with the meaning of the blank spaces on the winds aloft, usually these blank spaces are at 3000ft/6000ft. I would be very appreciated if someone could explain that to me. 

Thank you !

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3 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    B.J. Slater on Nov 27, 2017

    Winds aloft are not forecast for altitudes within 1500’ of a station’s elevation. So for an airport that is say 4,600’ above mean sea level, the 3,000’ and 6000’ winds aloft values will be left blank.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Nov 28, 2017

    Look at the station elevation. What winds wiukd you expect at 3,000 MSL in Denver where the surface is at almost 6,000 MSL?

    No “winds aloft” are forecast within 1,500 feet of station elevation.

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  3. Antonio B on Nov 28, 2017

    FT 3000 6000 9000 12000 18000 24000 30000 34000 39000
    BIH 9900 1605+02 2606+01 2817-12 2918-25 282842 263452 263665
    BLH 0133 3617+11 2905+10 3114+06 3027-11 3027-24 312341 292552 303162
    FAT 9900 0906+07 3205+06 2609+03 2512-12 2719-24 262542 243152 252864
    FOT 9900 3010+03 2611+00 2322-03 2336-15 2346-27 235243 236554 236764
    ONT 0331 0811+11 9900+11 2206+05 2720-11 2620-24 261441 261853 291763
    RBL 3505 9900+05 2706+03 2613-02 2425-14 2434-26 244443 245553 246065
    SAC 3310 3309+06 3210+05 2811+00 2516-13 2424-25 253642 244153 234465
    SAN 0712 1115+12 1006+12 2009+06 2614-10 2613-25 261342 271952 262461
    SBA 9900 9900+10 9900+09 2709+05 2519-11 2619-24 241942 242153 241663
    SFO 3410 3307+06 3211+05 2712+00 2619-13 2525-25 243242 233853 234165
    SIY 1906+02 2208+00 2415-04 2433-16 2446-27 245443 246754 247164
    WJF 0627+06 9900+10 2709+05 2622-11 2621-24 261642 251752 281863
    AST 2134 2234+01 2334-04 2336-10 2352-21 2370-31 249345 740254 247859
    IMB 2411-02 2517-07 2525-17 2651-28 266744 267954 267563
    LKV 2105+00 2410-04 2526-15 2542-27 255343 266654 257064
    OTH 2122 2319+02 2419-04 2327-07 2341-18 2360-28 237344 248654 247962
    PDX 1922 2222+01 2424-05 2332-09 2343-20 2463-30 248444 249554 257661
    RDM 2312+01 2310-02 2420-06 2431-18 2554-28 256944 258154 257963
    GEG 2119-04 2522-06 2722-10 2734-20 2758-32 278545 279655 267461
    SEA 2034 2234+00 2333-04 2436-11 2449-21 2468-32 249945 750855 248259
    YKM 2113 2317-01 2519-04 2425-09 2435-20 2559-31 258645 259555 257861

    BIH – SIY – WJF – IMB – LKV – RDM – GEG

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