Can I substitute GPS for a VOR holding fix on an ILS missed approach?
Asked by: Andre Venter 4544 views Instrument Rating
I am expecting to fly the ILS Y RWY 5 at KSOP. The VOR which defines the fix to hold at after a missed approach is out of service. I will be using a 430W. Is it legal to fly the missed approach segment with the GPS and simulate the VOR radial (to intercept) with the GPS? I guess the sequence would be for the GPS to go to SUSP after the missed approach point is reached, then press OBS to take it out of SUSP, turn the OBS to 048, switch from VLOC to GPS and use the CDI to line up with the VOR radial. After that it will just be a regular hold. Soooo, is this a legal GPS substitution?
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