IFR Currency?
Asked by: LTCTerry 3342 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
Looking for thoughts/advice. I have about six weeks left before the end of "the second six months" of IFR "currency". The basic plan is to fly two dual IFR triangular cross country flights at night. With well more than three landings to a full stop possible, I'll end up being "legal" for both IFR and night.
I am a glider instructor. I want to do commercial ASEL and add on airplane to my CFI ticket. I expect to get this done over the next several months.
I've just returned to the US after two years with the Army in Germany. I flew gliders and airplanes a lot there - mostly aerobatics. Even flew a gyrocopter just before I left.
I have very little instrument flying experience; the vast majority of this limited experience has been focused on "six approaches every six months" or an IPC to stay "legal." (Quotes because I know "legal" doesn't mean talented or proficient...)
Q1. What things can you suggest that would add value to these two planned IFR dual cross countries to enhance training?
Q2. Any tips or suggestions for the ASEL training? I plan to do the commercial training from the right seat and do the commercial add-on and CFI add-on back on consecutive days with the same. DPE.
Q3. Any particular references to suggest buying?
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