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Asked by: 2748 views Light Sport Aircraft, Student Pilot

when is the stalling speed increased?

If, in level flight, the angle of attack is increased from 4deg up to he stalling angle

what will happen?

thankyou so much, Debbie

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3 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    VALKYRIE ONE on Oct 13, 2017

    I’m not entirely sure I understand your question, but I’ll take a shot.

    Keep in mind that a stall occurs at the critical angle of angle of attack, regardless of airspeed. So in level flight, if you increase angle of attack, you eventually stall, not because you slow down, but because you’ve exceeded the maximum angle at which the wings can still produce enough lift to keep you airborne.

    The speed at which this is experienced depends on weight and load factor.

    A heavier aircraft will stall at a higher speed, because it requires more lift to achieve flight. A Boeing 757 has to faster than a Cessna 172 to get all its weight up in the air and keep it there.

    An aircraft in a turn will also stall at a higher airspeed, because bank angle increases load factor (G forces). Without getting too deep, we can just think about what happens when we turn. We need more back pressure on the yoke to hold altitude, but we don’t typically change our airspeed. The steeper the bank, the more back pressure required. This increase in back pressure increases the angle of attack, which brings us closer to the critical angle of attack. It also increases the gravitational forces on the wings, which requires more lift to overcome.

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  2. RickS on Oct 14, 2017

    Get your mitts on a copy of Stick and Rudder by Wolfgang Langeweische. It explains, better than anything I’ve ever seen/read/heard, everything you need to know to have a thorough understanding of stalling.

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  3. Russ MacDonald on Oct 16, 2017

    I would like to add that in an LSA, it is very difficult (if not impossible), in level flight, to demonstrate that the aircraft can be stalled at a speed higher than the published stall speed (an accelerated stall). This is because the elevator in an LSA is not designed with enough authority to change the pitch fast enough to cause the stall before the speed reduces to published stall speed. In a heavy aircraft with excessive pitch authority like a fighter jet, just pulling back quickly on the controls can induce an accelerated stall. In an LSA, or any light trainer, the only way to induce an accelerated stall is to do a stall from a steeply banked attitude. Then, you can see that the stall will occur at a higher speed than the published stall speed.

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