Can you legally load an ILS approach into the GPS to fly a LOC approach (DME readout only)?
Asked by: Edilson Gomes 4134 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
For example, at my local airport (KEWB) we have an ILS or LOC RWY 5 (link included), and I was told that in order to legally fly the LOC RWY 5 you need to enter the destination as IEWB into the GPS for the proper DME readout since we do not have DME. LOC RWY 5 is not provided in the GPS database. Why would it be illegal (if it is) to load the approach as an ILS 5 approach and identify WIDON with the ATD readout? I am preparing for my CFII checkride and would appreciate if someone could clarify this for me with proper reference. Thank you in advance.
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