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3 Answers

Basic Medical Checklist

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FAA Regulations

I've completed the online course/quiz for the "Basic Medical."  Before that I saw a licensed physician, based on the requirements stated on faa.gov.

There were a couple of items that the doctor wouldn't check, and said she really wasnt qualified to answer, like Vision (should be an optometrist). 

We went through each item and discussed.  I also have a special issuance medical due to retained and mostly a-symptomatic kidney stones, which i brought in medical records for, and also discussed with the doctor.  The special issuance medical was issued 7/2012 and before the passing of Basic Med, i've submitted an annual report to the FAA to hold this medical and show that my condition is unchanged.

Do you know if I am now legal to fly?

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3 Answers

  1. RickS on Sep 02, 2017

    As far as I know, every box on the Basic Med section 3 checklist has to be checked off. Did your doctor sign off on the last page under the Physicians Signature and Declaration section?

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  2. Joe Platt on Sep 05, 2017

    I am in a similar situation, my Primary Care doctor says he will sign everything but cannot do the necessary eye tests. If I go to an Optometrist do I need two signatures on the last page? Or does the entire form have to be completed by the same guy?

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  3. Mark Kolber on Sep 06, 2017

    Joe, I’m not aware of any formal FAA guidance on that. A number of options, including – (1) multiple signatures, identifying which parts were performed by which; and (2) the primary basing checking a box based on a report received from the specialist – both seem reasonable to me, but I’m not the FAA.

    A number of people have reported the eye exam issue (although others have not and it seems a little weird to me) so maybe the FAA will address it.

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