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Multi Engine Commercial

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Commercial Pilot

Hi, I have a question

I got my PPL and IR under part 141, I have 142 hours total. I'm planing changing schools because I'm having some issues with my school, but when I quote in other schools, they're telling me that I need 55 dual hours in ME airplane to get my Multi Engine Commercial license, I'm confused because in my school I need "Time Building" and 20 hours in the ME (minimum) and then I can do my checkride, obviously with all the requirements of XC, Instrument, etc.

They call the time building "Pre-Commercial" that includes 35 hrs solo XC and 15 hrs with a CFI in a complex airplane (Cessna 172RG) and then we can start with the training in the ME.

Can somebody help me because I don't know what to do, I already checked the FAR part 141, but in confuses me more, because I don't know if the requirements are only for the CPL or I can take some of the requirements of my previous flight experience 

As you can see I'm planing to get Multi Engine Commercial without Single Engine, because I don't need SEL.



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1 Answers

  1. VALKYRIE ONE on Oct 13, 2017

    Ok, here’s the deal.

    If you’re doing the commercial training part 141, then 120 hrs is the minimum total hours required in a course for an airplane category. If you’re wanting to just go the multi-engine route, 55 hrs of the 120 total must be in multi-engine aircraft. The remainder can be done in single engine aircraft. There’s a whole slew of additional requirements that dictate what goes into a 141 commercial course, you can find that big list in Appendix D to part 141 of the FARAIM.

    Your 141 school has to design or adopt a course that meets all those requirements in order to be FAA approved. So when you call around to places, they’re quoting you prices based on their approved course, which honestly shouldn’t vary too much. Some courses may be designed with more multi-engine time built in. This costs you more, but multi time is valuable if you’re applying for a job. More experience makes a pilot more marketable.

    Now if you’re also calling part 61 schools, you’ll get some different quotes and different advice as well. Applying for a commercial certificate as a part 61 student, the time requirements are different. Refer to part 61 regs to find the bare minimums required. Keep in mind that not everyone can be checkride ready in the minimum time requirements. To keep your costs low, study hard and pay attention.

    If cost is an issue, consider getting a single engine commercial certificate first, even if you don’t think you need it. Adding a multi-engine rating to an existing commercial certificate has no time requirements at all, a pilot must only become proficient flying the aircraft. On average, in my experience, 10 hours is plenty of time to get checkride ready for a multi add-on. Some students need more time to become acclimated. Some highly motivated students can get it done in 5 hrs. This is beneficial to keeping costs down, but as a brand new commercial pilot, if you’re applying for a multi-engine job with 5 hrs, you won’t be able to compete with a 141 multi grad who has 55 hrs in a twin. So unless you have a job waiting for you when you get your certificate, I suggest weighing your options.

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