Private Pilot Multi Experience Reqs (need help for checkride tomorrow)
Asked by: TLetizia 2668 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot
Here is the situation I was presented with, and I'm unsure of the answer.
As an MEI, you are approached by a private helicopter pilot who wants to receive his private MEL. He want's to get this done the cheapest possible. According to 61.109(b), what hours have to be multi-engine, what can be single-engine, and what doesn't have to be in an airplane at all?
What is confusing me here is 61.109 states that the solo time has to be done in accordance with 61.107(b)(2), which is multi-engine operations, but 61.109(b)(5) states "airplane". Furthermore 61.109(a)(5) states "single-engine airplane", making me think that 61.109(b)(5) allows for this to be single or multi.
I'm thinking the answer is
9 to 12 hours of multi-engine airplane time required
19/22 hours of airplane time required
(assuming we're not counting sim/ftd time)
Can an experienced MEI weigh in on this matter for me?
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