Multi Engine Additional Class in Jet
Asked by: jeff 2410 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I have been reviewing the regs and the DPE handbook and can not find a clear answer. Does anybody know or can point me to the regulation, which would prohibit either a private or commercial pilot with instrument rating who wants to add a multi engine class from doing the training and practical test in the jet (turbofan) . Forgetting insurance requirements for a moment, if a private pilot for example, who was flying a SE turboprop (or any SE) and wanted to move up to a ME jet, could the multi add on be done in the jet concurrently with the type rating. Ill exclude those jets which have Vmca below stall, such as the CE500/501 whcih would limit the multi to centerline thrust only. Anyhing in the regs say it can't be done?
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