Pilot Privileges and carriages
Asked by: connor 4127 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot
By far, I understand the privileges as commercial pilot as follow:-
-You can act as a PIC of an aircraft that is carrying persons or property for compensation or hire (carriage?!)
-Act as PIC of an aircraft for compensation or hire.
So, it is very straight forward you can get paid for acting as a PIC in airplane and also for hire.
Now, I am very much concerned that the reg will apply different depending on whose airplane you are referring.
For example, I loan an airplane to someone who has commercial pilot and tell him to fly me to somewhere else. Also, isn't this referred as holding out because I am asking someone else I do not know? Is this legal? (private carriage?!)
It would be great if you provide quotations from FAR or any other source.
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