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1 Answers

Learning to land a CJ in a Simulator

Asked by: 2505 views ,
Private Pilot

My Husband is a private Pilot and flies a Cessna Citation CJ.  He would like for me to go with him on his frequent trips but I am a fearful flier.  I have taken a few lessons in a Bonanza A36.  He has a person that will take me up and teach me how to land but I have a hard time remembering much since I'm terrified the majority of the time and don't have much interest in the .  When my Husband was getting his certification in the CJ he did some training in the Simulator in San Antonio Texas.  I did about 5 landings in it and would love to practice in it for a day.  Do you know if that's possible? 

1 Answers

  1. Justin C Olsen on May 28, 2017

    I see no reason why FlightSafety and/or SimCom would not let you use their simulators for this. I would look at both of them and rent some simulator time from them. It would be well worth the investment for both yourself and your family! Best of luck and safe flight!

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