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CFII checkride

Asked by: 8450 views ,
Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating

So on the flight instructor instrument checkride who is under the hood the applicant or the DPE? 

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5 Answers

  1. fugae fuit malleator on May 26, 2017

    Take a look at the CFII PTS pg 7.

    “Applicant shall be expected to perform TASK H in AREA OF OPERATION VI, Recovery from Unusual Attitudes and TASK A in AREA OF OPERATION VIII, Nonprecision Instrument Approach using a view-limiting device.”

    In my case, I wore the foggles for my approach work and the examiner wore the foggles for his approach while I instructed him.

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  2. Russ Roslewski on May 26, 2017

    Until I read the last sentence of Fugae’s post, I was about to ask “why would the examiner bother wearing a hood?”

    Actually, I’m still going to ask it, but maybe Fugae can answer – why did your examiner wear a hood? He could just as easily have pretended to make errors without it on, which is basically the point of the examiner flying in the first place.

    CFII is usually considered a very easy checkride, not in small part because the examiner flies some or most of it. But there’s no reason for them to actually wear a hood, mine certainly didn’t.

    (Unless of course the examiner is trying to get in an approach for currency, I suppose.)

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  3. FlyingRae on May 26, 2017

    Face slap. 👋 Of course look in the PTS. As a CFI I should have thought of that. Anyways, thanks guys. Makes sense. 😉

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  4. fugae fuit malleator on May 27, 2017

    Russ, I thought it was just thorough role playing on his part. He was committed to portraying a true “student.”

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  5. KDS on May 27, 2017

    why did your examiner wear a hood?

    While we can never be certain exactly why anyone else does something, my guess would be that he wanted to log an instrument approach for his own currency. Setting a realistic scene would be the rationalization, but not the reason.

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