Do my hours count towards part 141 commercial?
Asked by: Tech Pilot 8150 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Student Pilot
I got my private under part 61 with 47 hours and then flew 10 hours on my own for fun. I then changed flight school and got the IR SE under part 141, doing 34.5 hours of flight training and 13.6 hours of sim until my check ride. Now I'm currently training for my SE commercial (part 141) and have so far flown 54.1 hours of training following the syllabus and 11.5 hours of sim. I have already completed the XC, NIGHT and INST requirements and have 12.8 hours of DUAL left to meet the requirements of the syllabus. I would like to know how many of the hours I have flown before starting my commercial training count towards my commercial requirements.
Also, what the minimum requirements would be under part 141 as my school said I need 190hours of which they will count up to 30 hours of sim time but the minimum requirements I have found say I need a minimum of 120 hours.
A breakdown of my hours are as followed:
Private - Part 61
Dual: 32.9, PIC: 14.2, Inst: 3.5
Plane rentals for fun:
Instrument Rating SE - Part 141
Dual: 46.6, PIC: 34.5, Inst:28.4
Commercial SE (on going training, same flight school as IR) - Part 141
Dual: 42.2, PIC: 54.1, Inst: 11.7
Total times:
Dual: 121.7, PIC: 102.8, Inst: 43.6, Total time: 145.4
Thank you in advance,
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