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2 Answers

FAA 91.205 (b)

Asked by: 2567 views FAA Regulations

On a Saturday, a cross country flight is conducted with a 1970 Piper Arrow and an electrical issue happens. The Load meter shows current but the battery seems to not be holding. An IA was on board and a landing was made at a local airport to see if a reason could be found. Nothing was and there was not a local mechanic with test equipment on duty that day either. The decision to continue to the destination which was 100 miles further was made. The plane was looked at again by the IA and also no mechanic on duty. After the battery was topped off, the decision was made to return the Arrow to base. VFR weather all the way home, used minimum electrical power, portable GPS on board.  Is 91.205 (b) applicable. I know what the minimum 91.205 (b) says but the FAA says NO. AOPA says YES. Please help. No mention of an alternator or anything relating to electrical in (b). FAA mentioned something other 91.???  Don't remember. Maybe if it came from the factory? They said 205 is for older aircraft like a cub. Something needed to work this out with the FAA.. Skyking

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2 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 06, 2017


    Take a look at 91.213(d). It deals with inoperative equipment. In essence, if the airplane was certified with a given piece of equipment (alternator), it must be operable for flight. If it is not, then you go through 91.213(d) to determine if the flight can be made without that particular piece of equipment, since it is unlikely that you have an MEL for an Arrow.

    What was the outcome when you got home? Was it the alternator or the battery or something else?

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  2. Mark Kolber on Apr 07, 2017

    I continually rant against the burning red fruit mnemonic. This question is a perfect example of the reason why. Whether intentionally taught that way or not, pilots leave training thinking the only relevant equipment reg is 91.205. It’s not. It’s only one small piece of the analysis.

    Kris correctly starts with 91.213 which tells you all the things, including 91.205, one must look at to determine if a piece of equipment is required to be operable and, if not, what must be done.

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