PPL air exerise with most potential risk for flight instructors??
Asked by: Flygirl 2454 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
When teaching a new student what PPL air exercise has the most potential for danger or biggest risk for the instructor? And is there any way to mitigate these risks?
I am thinking a stall, because of the initial unframiliarity with the concept and high angle of attack. Also I think this is one where new students tend to panic a bit more than others which can lead to poor decision making. When teaching stalls it's very important to also provide the student with a solid understanding of how a stall occurs and proper recovery.. Many dangers can arise from not only handling skills but also lack of knowledge of the fundamentals of a stall..
I am also leaning towards a spin for similar reasons. Personally I felt more comfortable learning to recover from a spin than the various stalls. But that may have been because it was later in my training.
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