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2 Answers

Total time for Simulators

Asked by: 3108 views
Commercial Pilot

Have a question on filling up logbooks. I have just completed my ATP-CTP training in a level-4 full motion-Full flight Simulator (Challenger). My instructor says I can log those hours (around 20) in my logbook under Total Time, and MEL time. I was not sure about that answer, and didn't want to question him. But is he correct? Or should I just log it under "SIM" time?

2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Mar 31, 2017

    Just put it under sim time. If you really think there’s any value to tracking time in a multi-engine simulator as opposed to a single-engine simulator, do it.

    It you want a longer explanation, this is a link to my website FAQ. The title of this one is,
    “May I Log Sim Time as “Total Time”?”


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  2. Mark Kolber on Mar 31, 2017

    Oops! That was meant to say

    Just put it under sim time. If you really think there’s any value to tracking time in a multi-engine simulator as opposed to a single-engine simulator, do it in a separate column.

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