Taxi clearance run-up instructions?
Asked by: Vince R 3269 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot
The tower at KISP gave me a taxi clearance that ended with "do your run-up on Runway 33L" (best I can recall: "Runway 24 intersection departure. Taxi via A, S, C, B3 and you can do your run-up on 33L"). My interpretation was that I was to taxi along the given route (which ended at 33L just prior to where it crosses 24), then enter 33L, do my run-up there, and then be prepared to depart on 24.
When I made it to 33L, I taxied to the right side of the runway and did my run-up - but pretty much soon as I parked, the tower called me and asked if I had completed my run-up, and this made me think I had done something incorrectly. There was landing traffic on 24, so perhaps he was just making sure that I wasn't planning on doing something stupid like rolling onto the active runway.
The rest of the departure was uneventful, but I did want to see if there's something special about "do your run-up on Runway x" clearances that I might have handled incorrectly.
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