Flight Bag for 2 headsets, ipad mini, handheld, and miscellaneous small stuff?
Asked by: jeffreyhayes 3348 views Aviation Headsets
Hi - I recently got my SEL PPL and am excited about flying with my trusty E6B while actually using an ipad. I *think* this is my list of essential gear that I'll be carrying and would appreciate recommendations on a flight bag: 2 headsets (1 for my wife), ipad mini, handheld radio, 2 small headlamps, spare batteries, pencil, emergency paper charts. I've looked around for flight bag options, but most seem to have a lot of compartments that aren't oriented around my largest item - the headsets. I'd like to keep this bag small and devoted to flying tasks. When I travel, I'll have a separate bag for clothes, etc. Any thoughts are appreciated.
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