Crediting Sim Time Towards 250 Hours Required For Commercial
Asked by: victorino 10383 views Commercial Pilot
Hi, I am confused on the regs' requirements for the Commercial. I keep finding sources online (in forums) stating that up to 50 hours of sim time can be counted towards the 250 for the commercial. I.e.: 200 in airplanes, 50 hours sim, as opposed to doing all 250 hours in a plane. I have 23 hours in a sim, all with CFI endorsement, and will probably have about 40 by the time my instrument rating is finished. None of the forum threads I've read so far have cited a source, besides saying it's under "part 61". When I open my FAR/AIM I cannot find the language anywhere that states that sim time can be used. Can somebody help clarify? Thanks!
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