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5 Answers

Cone of Confusion for LOC

Asked by: 2807 views Instrument Rating

When I pass through the Localizer antenna on MAP, I noticed several times CDI going full and off momentarily and back working.

Can this phenomenon be explained as Cone of confusion as is for VOR ?

Also, when Missed Approach indicates fly runway heading, it's expecting us to fly with CDI centered until turn is made?


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5 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Feb 11, 2017

    When you overfly the antenna, you can expect hypersensitivity.

    What missed approach are you referring to? Do you have an example where you are instructed to fly a runway heading?

    You are expected to continue on the extended final approach course until an altitude of at least 400 AGL or the specified altitude before turning. I don’t recall seeing a missed approach that specifies to climb runway heading, but if one existed, a heading is what you read on a DG and is a form of dead reckoning, so PCG (Positive Course Guidance) would not be used.

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  2. connor on Feb 12, 2017

    Sir, it was the appraoch into KSGJ ILS31.

    First Missed Approach instruction is to fly runway heading.

    Could you give me an explanation on DR process?
    Is that what we were taught in private course?


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  3. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Feb 12, 2017

    The missed approach instructions are: Climb to 3000 on heading 312 and CRG R-164 to BUNDE/CRG 17 DME and hold, continue climb in hold to 3000.

    The initial climb is on heading 312 to intercept the CRG R-164. The localizer is offset by 1.23 degrees and is not precisely aligned with the runway. Flying an assigned heading is not using PCG until you intercept the CRG R-164, after which PCG is along the radial inbound to CRG. DR merely means that you are not using PCG and just flying a heading. When flying a heading, one does not correct for wind. Tracking a course, one corrects for wind.

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  4. connor on Feb 12, 2017

    Good evening sir,

    So, FAA took this wind drift into account for the wind drift when A/C is merely flying the heading?


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  5. John D Collins on Feb 13, 2017

    Any time a procedure assigns a heading to fly, TERPS will consider worst case wind effects.

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