Are winds on ATIS True or Magnetic
Asked by: Matthew Beyer 21085 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Weather
Ok the title was meant to be a leading title. So printed winds like metar and taf are true and I expected verbal winds from tower (ATIS), and AWOS to be magnetic. But tower didn't seem to know if what they read off of their dial is magnetic or true. But to create the metar, they use what they read off the dial. Which is also the same thing they record onto ATIS. I put my iPhone compass next to the dial and I swear the dial was aligned to true. It matched the variation. So....If they are reading it as true and reporting it to metar as true, then the ATIS and verbal is also true. So isn't that misleading now. "winds are 300 at 10.." woohoo, right down the runway. Oh no wait, its true. Any insight?
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