Class E Airspace.
Asked by: _Danny_ 11213 views Aircraft Systems, Airspace, Aviation Headsets, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Helicopter, Instrument Rating, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot, Weather
I provided the following answer wich I'm not sure if it sh'd be the complete satisfying asnwer
-Excerpt fom prosolo written test prep question bank.-
Question: A magenta dashed line surrounds certain uncontrolled airports. What does this indicate
and what is its significance to VFR pilots?
Answer: As tower closure depends on published times this class E airspace will vary also depending on the published airspace classification stated in the chart supplements.
The only thing for VFR pilots that'll change is the cloud and visibility requirements in effect as well as for comunicating the CTAF when airport is closed for position reporting.
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