Changing Filed Alternate after filling
Asked by: tommytom 2732 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Weather
Can anyone share how to change the listed alternate after filling a flight plan?
Here is my scenario. I have filled a flight plan to depart at 0530am. At 6:00am a new TAF was issued for my alternate and the new TAF forecast has made my alternate no longer leagal to be filled as my alternate.
I have been refilling and new flight plan with a new legal alternate. However when I call for the clearance the person says he shows 2 flight plans going to the same place. I ask for the alternate with the legal alternate, but I'm told they don't see that information.
I have tried going into the filed flight plan to change the alternate but that doesn't seem to work either.
Anyone else run across this occasional problem? How do you fix the mistake with minimal confusion?
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