did i mess up?
Asked by: neil137 3138 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I would like to know if i made a major mistake, broke a law or if my instructor is angry with me.
the story;
i was flying a cross country to a location and halfway through i got flight following as it was a bit windy and i didn't want to get lost. they repeated my destination back to me so there was no mixup. after over an hour of flying my estimation was i was about 10 mins until my destination when flight following told me "XXXXX the airport is at your 12 o'clock 2 miles, do you have it?" I looked out and saw the airport where they said it would be an landed. it was the wrong airport. it was an abandoned class C. i figured out my mistake and got back in, this airport was exaclty along my route of flight and i didn't even think of questioning ATC. I made the mistake of assuming they never make mistakes. anyway, after that it was mostly uneventful.
A week later (today) my instructor texts me and says "schedule an hour, we need to sit down and talk about your last cross country, specifically the leg to XXXX"
is he angry? did i break any laws? albeit was a stupid mistake to land at the wrong airport, but it was on the route of flight and i trusted ATC when they told me it was right there (there was some kind of haze or something, it wasn't the best day)
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