2 Answers
250nm Cross country requirement for instrument rating
Asked by: sp_72 26399 views Instrument Rating
Hi. I'm finalizing my instrument training and am planning my long cross country. I need some clarification as what I've been reading is conflicting with what my CFII has told me. I want to make sure I do it right the first time!
- What is the required leg distance for the longest leg of the flight? I was told by my CFII it has to be at least 100nm for one leg of the flight, but I've seen others online say it needs to be only 50nm
- 61.65 says the flight must be with an instructor but my instructor told me I can do the flight with a safety pilot that holds a current Instrument rating.
- My instructor said the flight needs to be conducted under VMC. This is confusing because 61.65 appears that I must be on an IFR flight plan.
- If so, what difference does it make if I'm VMC or IMC? I'll be with an instructor or Instrument rated safety pilot.
Thanks for your time in answering my questions and providing clarification.
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