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2 Answers

Class B VFR Lost Comms

Asked by: 2531 views FAA Regulations

I have a question regarding lost comms in Class B. As an example let’s say I am a VFR helicopter flight not on a flight plan; I request and receive clearance and enter class B airspace with the intention of landing at the GA ramp. Once in Class B my radio fails and I cannot transmit or receive. Obviously I would set the transponder to 7600 and continue to make calls in the blind. 91.131 Operations in class B airspace does state to also operate in compliance with 91.129 which would be operations in class D airspace. Having said that, does this then mean the class D lost comm procedures spelled out in 91.129 should then be followed in class B (or C for that matter)?

Obviously there will always be an “it depends on the situation” answer, and if I had just entered a busy class B it may be advisable to exit the airspace or land at a satellite, but I’m mainly questioning if 91.129 lost comms applies in class B and not the "heres what I would do" answer?

Thanks in advance

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2 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Dec 28, 2016

    Since you’re not looking for “what I would do”, a strict reading of 91.129 and 91.131 is necessary.

    – 91.129 spells out the lost-comm procedures for Class D.
    – 91.131 is quite clear that in Class B, you must comply with 91.129 and some additional rules.
    – None of these additional rules pertain to lost-comm procedures.

    Therefore, to me, the only reasonable way to read this is that the same lost-comm procedures apply in B and D (and C also since 91.130 also refers to 91.129).

    Of course, the problem is with the details, since 91.129 says:

    “(2) If the aircraft radio fails in flight under VFR, the pilot in command may operate that aircraft and land if—

    (i) Weather conditions are at or above basic VFR weather minimums;

    (ii) Visual contact with the tower is maintained; and

    (iii) A clearance to land is received.”

    (i) and (ii) are likely not a big problem, but (iii) could be. It sets up the scenario where you’re going to be hovering or circling nearby waiting for them to figure out that you’re NORDO and give you a light gun signal. At a busy Class B like DFW or Atlanta that could be interesting.

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  2. cp1977 on Dec 28, 2016

    Thanks for the input Russ, I feel like I’m on the same page as you; obviously not the best solution but if pressed to answer whether or not I could continue and based on 91.129 I think your answer is what I’d have given. I would at that point likely also try to give the “here’s what I’d do” solutions instead of continuing on though as ADM wise I definitely think there are better ways to handle the situation. Thanks again

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