How do I interact with ATC when practicing approaches for maintenance of currency?
Asked by: ack19104 4316 views Instrument Rating
I have a very recent IR rating, and need to complete a few more approaches in the next couple of months to remain "current". I understand that I could go up with an instructor or a suitably qualified safety pilot, and do it with foggles. However, scheduling someone else at opportune times is difficult, and I would like to be able to do this on my own in actual IMC - at my home (untowered) airport which has several good published approaches, and a nearby Class C towered airport where their approach frequency generally provides ATC cover for my home airport.
How do I interact with ATC, and what kind of a flight plan do I file?
I'd like to go up in 1000-1500' OVC, but that gives me very little time before I would be in the clouds and not enough time to get a pop-up clearance. But, when filing a flight plan, one does not normally specify anything about approaches, and certainly not anything about planned missed approaches.
So tomorrow, if I have 1500' OVC and would like to practice a variety of approaches, how do I interact with ATC, compose a flight plan, and get clearance?
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