Friend Rents a FBO Plane then Uses Me As CFI….Can I log?
Asked by: Doug Sayre 4577 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
Simplified version
Flight instructed a friend in a plane he rented. Cant find FAA regs saying I can't log and sign his book if I actually did teach him.
He would just log it elsewhere and not show the School right? Back log later when he leaves there.
Long version
Im a CFI . My buddy has his private and wanted help on Night XC and Towered airports (he came to me). I agreed to go along and help him for free. I'm sure there was a rental agreement he signed saying only authorized instructors can instruct in the planes but I can't find a FAR saying it would be illegal to log.
I did teach him and he did really well..... so technically instruction was given. I could sign a separate piece of paper and he could stick it in his logbook and not show the FBO.
I was there only for the weekend and will never rent a plane there so I would be happy putting it in mine.
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