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3 Answers

Hudson River VFR Corridor

Asked by: 3866 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

Has anybody here flown up the Hudson River corridor? Looks like 500' is the bottom of class B. I've been told that folks normally fly the river at about 450'. Any thoughts will be appreciated. 

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Aug 28, 2016

    Google Hudson arrive Corridor on YouTube. There are a few excellent videos that go through a flight step by step.

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  2. Craig Johnston on Sep 14, 2016

    You can fly the Hudson River between 1000 – 1299 along the right side of the river without talking to ATC. Read the procedure carefully and study the chart carefully.

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  3. Amit on Oct 31, 2016

    I have flown the Hudson VFR corridor 2 times from the Verrazano to the Alpine towers. And once from the Verrazano then a right into the East river (you need to talk to LGA tower for this one) then a left towards and over Central Park then another left flying south on the Hudson (NJ Shore) to the Verrazano all with an instructor. I dare not fly this area alone until I know it by heart.

    You need to study the NY TAC and if you can NY Heli Chart which is ever more detailed.

    The VFR corridor begins at the Verrazano Bridge and ends at the Alpine Towers or vice versa. The dimensions are from Surface to 1299 feet, Class B is at 1300 feet. The mandatory reporting checkpoints are:

    1) Verrazano (VZ)
    2) Statue of Liberty (Lady)
    3) Clock
    4) Intrepid
    5) George Washington Bridge (GWB)
    6) Aline Towers

    VFR corridor CTAF Frequency is: 123.05 and Just like driving a car you stay on the right side of the road or in this case the river. For Northbound you fly the East shoreline (NY), for Southbound you fly the West Shoreline (NJ).

    If you are a Local operation within the corridor (Helicopter tour etc.) you fly altitudes from Surface – up to but NOT including 1000 feet.

    If you are a Transient operation you fly from 1000 feet – up to but NOT including 1300 feet. (it’s a good idea to have at least a 200 feet buffer so you don’t bust the bravo).

    To the best of my knowledge, think of the VFR corridor as a tunnel and you cannot exit from anywhere on the sides, unless you are flying the Skyline Route into the NY Class Bravo.

    The Airspeed should not exceed 140 knots. Turn all lights on so you are as visible as possible.

    The recommended CTAF communications (Self Announce): Cessna, VZ, 1100 feet, Northbound

    Last but not least, keep your eyes looking out for traffic and enjoy the flight.

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