Procedure Turn
Asked by: Mateo 2498 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
Hello CFI's
I work at a flight school in south Florida and me and other flight instructors have had a little bit of a discussion about weather or not pilots should do a procedure turn. If atc on an rnav approach other than one with a TAA format tells you : "proceed direct to an IAP ( that has a lieu of a PT) cleared for the RNAV X approch" do you have to do the procedure turn regardless where you are coming from?? (the aim says that generally a procedure turn is not required when the turn to the final approch course is less than 90 degress) but on my understanding a pt will always be required unless atc clears you for the 'straight in approch' (the aim says it right) regardless where you are coming from, unless a straight in area has been described in the approch (TAA format). I want to know what you guys think about this (:
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