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1 Answers

Instrument Approach Feeder Question

Asked by: 2283 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating

Looking at different approaches, I found the ILS DME 2 RWY 8 at MMVA and had a question regarding it. The approach can be found here ivaomex.com/cartas/MMVA.pdf  If you are flying on V23 SE bound and cleared for the approach, upon reaching 15 DME it appears you make a turn to a heading (track?) of 142 degrees to intercept final. My question is: assuming you have no GPS, do you just fly the heading since there is nothing to track? What about with wind?

1 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jun 20, 2016

    This is called a DR (“Dead Reckoning”) leg and yes, you just fly a heading until intercepting the final approach course. Possible wind effects are accounted for, but if I had a GPS on board, realistically I’d just fly a “track” of 142 instead of just a heading.

    I wrote a short article about them at:


    Note that I use U.S. examples and the U.S. government approach charts, but the charting is similar to Jeppesen and I believe the concept of the DR leg is similar in Mexico (though I am willing to be proven wrong).

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