Is it the time for me to quit my flight training?
Asked by: whitebless 5870 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I am currently a 20-year-old student pilot. I started my PPL training in March 2015. However, due to family reasons, I have stopped a few months during this time. Up till now, I have around 30 hours in my log book. I have been doing circuit for almost 13 hours already, but I still cannot manage it, so I am not even thinking about first solo right now. I would say there is progress, but extremely slowly. Yet, the biggest problem with me is that everytime when I get something in hand, I tends to forget things I could do from before. For example, I went up for another 1.0 hr circuit today with my instructor. I finally managed to land on the centerline and flare properly, but my approach, climb and establishing the circuit went out of my hand which I did perfectly before. Therefore, I am just wondering if I really can make it. Although avaition is what I really want to do in future, I also understands that not everything is for everybody.
I still enjoy the time up there, but knowing I am 30 hours already yet cannot do the circuit properly really bothers me. Please, I do need some advice from experienced people like you guys. What is my best bet here? Should I continue or just let it be a dream of mine. Thanks a lot!
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