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4 Answers

Flight Instructor In The Sim – CPL?

Asked by: 2948 views Flight Instructor


I am totally new and doing research. I would like to become a flight instructor only in the simulator (part 91/135) for one of the training companies. I would like to earn my CPL in one of the ATP Flight schools. I wonder, will CPL be enough to become a flight instructor in the sim? I have little kids and do not want to fly real planes every day. I think IPs are making decent money by instructing in the sim. Can you please explain?

4 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on May 21, 2016

    You need a CFI certificate to instruct in a simulator:


    So, a Commercial Pilot certificate is necessary (as it is required to be a CFI) but is not sufficient in itself.

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  2. Wes Beard on May 21, 2016

    Quite a few 91/135 companies use a training center regulated under Part 142. From the 142 centers I am familiar with a pilot is required to have an ATP certificate or enough aeronautical experience to qualify for one. I also know that many of those instructors have never had a flight instructor or ground instructor certificate.

    My experience is in jets so it may be possible to only have a commercial license for smaller Part 23 airplanes. Take a look at job postings for training centers to see what they require.

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  3. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on May 23, 2016

    When you say you want to instruct for one of the “training companies”, I assume you are talking about FlightSafety, Simuflite, Bombardier or another like company.

    These companies are certified under Part 142 of the regulations. They conduct training for pilot certificates and ratings issued under Part 61. They also may conduct training for pilots employed by Part 135 Air Carrier certificate holders. Most, if not all, the training they conduct is for jet aircraft.

    The requirements for instructors under Part 142 are found in 14 CFR 142.47 (a). This regulation requires that you meet the requirements of 61.159 or 61.160 for airplanes. 61.159 requires that you have 1,500 hours of total time. 61.160 addresses a restricted ATP and contains varying minima based on whether you were in the military or completed a college aviation program. I can’t imagine any of these companies considering anyone who does not possess a type rating for the aircraft in which one might be providing training in a simulator.

    To be an instructor for a 135 Air Carrier, you would need to meet the requirements spelled out in 135.338(c). You would need to hold the pilot certificate and ratings required to serve as a PIC in 135 operations. You would also need to have completed all training and checks required to serve as a PIC under Part 135 (Indoc, Initial Equipment, Recurrent) and would need to have received instructor training from a Part 135 oeprator.

    There is no requirement to hold a Flight Instructor certificate to teach at the training centers.

    Don’t mean to rain on your parade, but I wanted you to know what is really required for you to be hired to instruct in a simulator.

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  4. Anne on May 23, 2016

    Thank you Kris,

    Yes, I work at CAE in NJ. We train 142/135 pilots, who are renewing their licenses etc. I was almost sure the IPs in CAE need to hold ATP at least to be hired in the company. We fly Bombardiers , Gulfstreams, Falcons, Cessna etc. I thought it cannot be the truth that to become an IP for a company like this CAE you only need CFI. It was too good to be true. IPs at CAE make above $100.000, I was pretty sure you need more for that than just CFI. I am glad you explained it to me in more details. I will be meeting with some people at one of the ATP Flight schools to find out more on that. I really think I could be a great pilot. I have always dreamed about becoming one. When I fly in the sim it feels so natural to me. With the proper training, and hours of experience hopefully I will get a chance to achieve my goal. I hold BA in Applied Mathematics and was considering doing my masters in Physics. Instead of spending about 3 years of doing my masters, I would rather go to Flight school and earn my hours in the air for a while. I am gathering all the information and doing some research. Any advise on this subject is very helpful.

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