Adding a Category to my license… can I use time from another Category?
Asked by: RickS 4150 views FAA Regulations
I thought I had posted this question earlier, but it appears it didn't get posted. My situation and question is as follows: I have a Private in gliders only. I want to add Airplane (SEL) to my Private cert. 61.63 b.1 says this:
(b) Additional aircraft category rating. A person who applies to add a category rating to a pilot certificate:
(1) Must complete the training and have the applicable aeronautical experience.
So, my question is, do I need to complete the entire 40 hours of ASEL, or can some of my glider time count toward the total? I am aware of the time requirements for night, X/C, and simulated instrument which of course are a must, but can I use any of the glider time to fill in the gaps?
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