Radius of class E airspace?
Asked by: Skyfox 4993 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation
Can anyone point me to an FAA publication that defines the typical radius, or acceptable range of radius, of class E surface based and 700 AGL airspace around an airport? When measuring the radius of class E airspace around several airports using Skyvector.com, I've found surface based class E anywhere from 4 to 6 NM (with some spot on at 4.4 NM just like class D), and the 700 AGL class E around surface based class G airports to be anywhere from 4.3 to 10+ NM radius. I'm just wondering if there's any description in any sort of official FAA publication on how the radius is defined, or if it's purely on a case by case basis with no official boundaries on the size. (I see that in FAA Order 7400.9Z each airport has its own specific dimensions defined, including any applicable radius, but it doesn't seem to give any sort of regulation on how that radius is established.)
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