CFI splitting costs & building time with student
Asked by: laminar 5044 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Let's say that I know a rated pilot who is looking to build flight time (let's suppose they're not training for any particular rating), and I'm a flight instructor who wants to build flight time for my ATP.
Suppose we agree to do a long flight across the United States to build flight time.
If the flight is intended to provide the pilot with instruction on this cross country, in addition to us both building flight time, and the student does the flying, I believe that we can both log the flight time as PIC (he's sole manipulator; I'm providing dual instruction). Do you agree with this?
Now for costs. Would we both be able to split the costs of renting the airplane since we have a common purpose to build flight time and to gain the experience of flying across the country?
What if there is a third pilot passenger in the back? Would it be legal for them to contribute to the rental costs for the legs that they are not flying?
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